Case Study-Apparels Sourcing From Emerging Markets

The case study shows how Dragon Sourcing helps clients source apparel from emerging markets such as China, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Vietnam, Myanmar, Cambodia, Romania, Madagascar, Bulgaria, Serbia, and Macedoine. Once we received the request, we analyzed the demand to define and understand the products and requirements, such as volume, specification, materials, etc. After gathering all of this data from the client, we looked at the supply market to find potential suppliers of apparel. 

As a first step, the supplier database was identified category-wise and added to each target country. An extensive supplier database was built, leveraging multiple sources of information and existing DS databases. 

After researching the suppliers, we identified 1228 suppliers from all 11 countries. We did a pre-screening telephone interview where 538 suppliers passed the test and met all the client-specified requirements, whereas 690 failed the test. The suppliers were assessed based on their ranks and company profiles. Following the pre-screening, an RFI process was administered in order to filter out capable suppliers. A total of 4 styles were selected for the sweater RFQ: 2 adult and 2 kid styles. A price analysis was done for the 30 suppliers who responded to the RFQ. Among them, 14 were from China, 12 were from Bangladesh, 2 were from Serbia, 1 was from Bulgaria, and 1 was from Madagascar. 

We suggested the names of 23 suppliers after examining their RFI responses and samples. Wherein 11 suppliers were from Guangdong, 4 from Fujian, 4 from Zhejiang, and 4 from others. After the project was finished, we gave our clients access to all of our charts and research materials so they could select the best supplier(s) from whom they would like to get materials. 

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