Dragon Sourcing recently helped a renowned French luxury brand selling high-end footwear, bags, and lifestyle products find reputable sellers from whom they could source premium-quality 11 SKU handbags at competitive prices for their business. The client insisted that the potential vendors should have prior experience in manufacturing cotton bags for luxury brands. Additionally, they also specified that the potential vendor should offer significant price savings, and they should have experience in exporting and creating samples. After doing an extensive investigation that included pre-screening telephone calls, Dragon Sourcing found 20 Indian suppliers who not only satisfied the brand’s unique needs but also showed a dedication to upholding high standards of quality while reducing their environmental impact. 

After pre-screening the vendors, we selected 5 potential suppliers and sent them an RFI-RFQ after consultation with the client. We requested top-notch samples from the five chosen suppliers so the customer could assess the goods and decide accordingly. The samples were carefully inspected to ensure they met the brand’s requirements and were of high caliber.  

To evaluate the suppliers’ manufacturing facilities and make sure they adhered to the necessary environmental and ethical standards, Dragon Sourcing also conducted site inspections. After the RFI-RFQ replies of all the 5 vendors were analyzed, one vendor was selected. Dragon Sourcing then conducted price negotiations and helped the client award the contract to the best vendor, who fulfilled all the required criteria. The whole project took 8 weeks (about 2 months) from start to finish, and at the end of the project, we ensured a happy and satisfied client. 

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