Sheet Metal Sourcing Case Study

Here is a detailed case study that shows how Dragon Sourcing identified four competitive suppliers from China and Vietnam for sheet metal sourcing. The key deliverables of this project included:   

  • Supplier database 
  • Scorecard  
  • RFI-RFQ report  
  • Supplier profiles 
  • Recommended suppliers.     

In the first stage, Dragon Sourcing analysed the products and requirements of the client. We collaborated with them to understand the key criteria they were looking for in the supplier including specs, volumes, target price, suppliers’ qualifications, the technology used, location, etc. Next, Dragon Sourcing conducted a supply market analysis by researching B2B Websites, Chamber of Commerce, network, Fair catalogues, DS database, and magazines to find potential suppliers.   

After doing the market analysis, Dragon Sourcing conducted a telephonic pre-screening, based on the selected criteria which were agreed upon by discussion with the client. It included client and industry experience, background, financials, quality certification, social responsibility, service/technology capability et cetera. 236 potential suppliers were identified and called. In this process, only 87 suppliers were shortlisted.    

The next step was to prepare an RFI-RFQ document, along with a scorecard. The scorecard was designed to pre-qualify the competitiveness and capabilities of the suppliers. This document was distributed to 87 suppliers who passed pre-screening in the previous step. Dragon Sourcing analysed the RFI-RFQ and the suppliers and was objectively ranked by their capabilities along with recommendations for those that need to be audited.  4 suppliers were recommended. At the end of the project, all the key management and production management charts were given to the client.  

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