Argentina Sourcing

Argentina’s exports, and especially trade with MECOSUR partners,
have been a key factor in driving the economy

About Argentina

Exports are estimated to be $8 billion per month. The main exports are soybean products, cereals, beef, motor vehicles and parts, chemicals and pharmaceuticals with over 60% of exports being agricultural products. Argentine’s largest exports markets are Brazil, European Union, China, United States and Chile.

Worth Knowing About Argentina

Where Does Sourcing Work?

Sourcing opportunities can be found in mining, most areas of primary production, agribusiness, communications, transport, and the public utilities sectors. Other sectors with promise are environmental management, wine, construction and building materials and high-tech machinery.

What Do You Have to Consider?

To practice effective sourcing in Argentina, one has to know the customs and manners, as this is a prerequisite for building relationships based on mutual trust, as well as for good deals. When sourcing in Argentina, the timeframe is often slightly larger than usual – a fact that must be considered when creating purchasing schedules.

Frequently Asked Questions

Below are answers to the most frequently asked questions. Please feel free to contact us. Use our contact form to describe the support you are looking for.

We can source any product or service from commodities to custom developed products. Check our Category Expertise section to see the range.

We work with small, medium size and multi-national companies that are looking to procure goods and services from emerging markets for export or to support their local operations.

We are supplier independent, we never take commissions from suppliers, and we conduct our procurement on an objective and documented basis.

From initial brief to quantifying the potential value opportunity, takes between a few days for categories we know well to 2 months for new categories.

To qualify a new supplier that has been identified as offering potential value, takes between a few weeks for simple off-the-shelf products to several months for complex custom engineered products.

contact us to discuss your requirements.