A leading Swiss company approached Dragon Sourcing to explore the new potential suppliers developing food-grade Calcium Propionate across parts of Asia. Identifying the suppliers took approximately 7 weeks and we discovered 200 potential ones. The RFI-RFQ document requirements could only be met by 11 suppliers since using 100% natural supply chain for the production process was a major challenge. While the recommended suppliers were efficiently producing pure food-grade natural Calcium Propionate, the majority of the others were either only producing chemically synthesized calcium propionate, fusel oil/ethanol, and/or were simply importers/traders. Several suppliers showed huge savings, with the highest being a Chinese supplier with 67%, valued at US$ 3.36M.

Dragon Sourcing also considered collecting original samples from the recommended suppliers followed by auditing the suppliers as per the sample results. We created a report which helped the client determine the best suppliers for a possible partnership, who are offering food-grade Calcium Propionate while meeting the EU & USA standards in food, heavy metals and pesticides.

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