Semi Industrial Bakery Plant Set Up – Case Study

One of our clients, a non-governmental organization that focuses on protecting wildlife in Africa, wanted us to identify and recommend potential companies for a bakery plant that can produce 25,000 loaves of bread per day. Once we got the job, we followed a step-by-step process to find the best supplier of bakery machines for our client. Therefore, we first conducted a demand analysis to work with our clients to understand their needs. Based on the information we received from our client, we conducted a supply market analysis by going through the available resources online and through our extensive network. In this way identified, 132 suppliers. To whittle down the list, we did a prescreening of the suppliers by calling them to understand their capabilities, company size, quality certification, and interest in participating. 

Once the prescreening was completed and we had a short list of suppliers, we developed an RFI/RFQ document with a balanced scorecard that measured the background, client references, financials, quality certification, manufacturing capability, and other factors. We made this RFI-RFQ after consulting with our client. After receiving our RFI-RFQ, 23 suppliers replied, and after going through their scorecards, we recommended 12 suppliers to our client for further action on their part. This project took us 9 weeks to complete, and at the end, we submitted all the charts and other documents associated with the project to our client. 

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