Polymere für Einzelhandel
A large European Retailer was subscribing to multiple market databases to monitor the prices of the different polymers to be able to make informed purchase decisions. The Retailer found the multiple subscriptions to be expensive, inefficient to access due to the different databases, and only useful in tracking historical pricing. Dragon Sourcing was commission to prepare tailored category dashboards including price forecasting that would support informed purchase decisions.
[learn_more caption=”Analysed the data”]Analysed the data requirements that would support procurement decision making.[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”Designed and researched”]
Designed and researched the tailored category dashboards to include:
Price indices and forecast of the polymers on a regional level
Supply-Demand Dynamics of the polymers, updated to the current period
Supply chain Monitoring including colour coded alerts on potential disruptions
Recent news in the markets[/learn_more]
[learn_more caption=”Refreshed and published”]Refreshed and published the dashboards on a periodic basis[/learn_more]
With the periodic category dashboards the Retailer was able to:
1. Make informed purchase decisions based on a current view of their polymer market and forecast pricing.
2. Increase productivity through a reduction in the time required to collecting and analyse data.
3. Reduce the costs in acquiring the market data
4. Gain timely awareness about potential risks to their polymer supply chain